Tremolo question

• Sep 15, 2013 - 20:51

Dear All,,

I have a question about placement of tremolo signs. The first few bars use tremolo chords (please see the attached), is there a way to move the tremolo line higher up on the stem line? At the moment they tend to obscure the notes. Many thanks for your help.

Best Regards,

Attachment Size
Zheilla_Fantasy_tremoloQuestion.mscz 3.21 KB


Double click the tremolo sign (might help to zoom in first) to put it in Edit mode, then you can move it up or down using arrow keys (possibly with Ctrl or Alt for finer movement).

In reply to by VCatmur

800%?! That should never be necessary. I was talking about more like 150% max, and really, that's only needed "sometimes" in my experience. Unless maybe you've made you basic score size insanely tiny, like say to be able to fit 30 staves on a single sheet of ordinary paper?

Perhaps you should post the score you are having problems with and describe in more detail *exactly* what you are trying to - which measure, which notes, why you are wanting to move the tremolo signs, and where you want to move them. Perhaps so ething has gone wrong with that particular score that is causing you to need to zoom in so far. Or perhaps you are simply misunderstanding something.

In reply to by VCatmur

OK, I guess in this score, the unusual situation is that your tremolos are on on double stop chords, and the tremolo markings by default overlap one of the noteheads in many cases. So this is a case where zooming in a little does help, for sure. Still, after resetting all the tremolos to their default position (right click one, select all similar, Ctrl+R) I didn't find it difficult at all to double click most of them at 150% zoom. Just aim for the part of the tremolo stick out on the opposite side of the stem from the notehead.

The only ones where this was even slightly difficult were the ones where there was an accidental that overlapped that same area - the chords in bar 7, for example. But even so, I managed to get them on my first try at 150%. But maybe I got lucky; subsequent tries I was more like 50/50 on whether I got the tremolo, the accidental, or the notehead. In such cases, maybe temporarily remove the accidental, move the tremolo, then re-add the accidental.

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