Adding to the list of recognized chords

• Sep 19, 2013 - 23:26

This thread is a stem off of my other thread here from when I originally brought up this topic (under my previous name, MyOwnMusician, before the new log-in system.)

So, what would it take to be able to add to the list of recognized chords? Marc, you mentioned in the previous thread you "added a bunch [of chords] at the end of the list for 1.1." If I wanted to add "Maj7 (no 3)" to that recognized list or chords, where would I go to do that?

I thought the way to add a recognized chord was to edit and add "CMaj7 (no 3)" to the appropriate .xml file in the styles folder. I used the Plugins>Lead Sheet>Create Chord Chart to open the stdchords file in Musescore. Then, when I went to save it as a .xml file in the styles folder, it erased the original file, and all the chords on the score I was working on, that associated with that file, disappeared.

This may require a little more in-depth knowledge, that I don't have, to be able to do this. I'm not too worried. I have a work around, but would love to not have to have a work around all the time.

Sorry if this is redundant. I read over the original thread, and realized by the last comments I posted there that I didn't understand that which I was commenting too. So, I hope that doesn't happen again. It's all how I perceive the question at the time, which can change at other times.



All I know is Marc Sabatella has made marked changes to the way chords are parsed and rendered for 2.0. You should try a nightly build and see if it does what you want. My use of chords is _very_ limited and simple.

OK, a few things:

1) The Create Chord Chart plugin is just to show you a pretty picture on screen :-) You aren't supposed to save the resulting file, and if you did, there is nothing MuseScore would be able to do with it. So hopefully you saved the original copy of that XML file, or else you'll probably need to reinstall now.

2) If you want to customize onle of the XML files, you need to do so by hand with a text editor. If you are on Windows, that means Notepad or Wordpad.

3) For 2.0, it should almost never be necessary to do this at all. The parser will recognize and understand virtually anything you might think to type. So if you relly want CMaj7(no3), just type it. Embedded spaces will probably work using Ctrl+Space, but I won't swear to that.

4) Because of the changes to how things work, Harmony Properties no longer will serve any useful function (not that it was that useful before). There is no more predefined list of acceptable chords. So everything will show up as "other". Good chance we'll just remove the dialog entirely unless someone has a use case where it serves some useful purpose despite the major changes in 2.0. In which case, we'd also need to figure out how to redesign the dialog to do whatever it is one used to use it for before the new What You Type Is What You Get facility was implemented.

See (currently, at the bottom of the page) for more info on the new facility.

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