Copy and paste percussion parts

• Jul 7, 2017 - 08:58


I am arranging a march, and I have decided to change the ride cymbal to a crash cymbal, but when I copy and paste the part, the pitch does not sound like a crash cymbal.

Any help is appreciated!

Attachment Size
Hands_Across_The_Sea.mscz 33.36 KB


Results are kind of undefined when copying and pasting between staves that have different drumset defintions. But just select the music after copying and use up or down arrows to change the pitch to something supported on the that staff.

In reply to by Vi.Nchol

You can copy and paste all you like with the snare part, nothing different than any other copy paste. Select what you want to copy Ctrl+C, select where you want to paste, Ctrl+V to paste, same as any other program that supports copy & paste. But MuseScore also supports a command "R" that simply repeats the current selection immediately afterwards, which is easier still. Or you can add measure repeats from the Repeats palette.

This thread was about copying between drum parts, which is slightly complication because the copy will preserve the original MIDI pitches and hence the sound. But easily solved, just hit the up or down arrow after the copy to change the MIDI pitch.

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