
• Oct 13, 2013 - 12:52

Comments to MuseScoreNightly-2013-10-11-2308-cc016f8:
1. Rest from dashboard does not work
2. F1 for Handbook – instead of that, there is almost void window
3. I could not find the option „DOCUMENTS STACKED“ but I have found it eventually:-). However, would not be possible to make synchronous move of a two files (also in the mode „Continuos view“)?
4. Still there is not possibility to use STANDARD NUMERAL KEYS (with letters) which would ease very very much the work in the programme. I have found that only the key with zero functions as a rest (but I did not found in the documentation – although I was looking for that – that it is so ??).
Or is it so that something eludes me in work in the programme MuSc? I think that for truly good or easy work in the programme, it should be arranged in the way that one need not to take off fingers from keyboard (as much as possible) – in the way one is writting a letters in Word e.g. It is very impeding to jump over one place to another. When one writes all ten, then he/she need not to see on the keys… Imagine: I used a letter key now and then I need a numeral key and then again letter key and so on… To have right hand putted down on the numeral keyboard is a feeble compromise (unsatisfactory). But I prefer MuseScore to Denemo e.g., because I like to have it in wysiwyg mode.
5. SPECIAL SUGGESTION: I use on my keybord special setting in Word for moving of the cursor in a text in the way that I used the letter keys in the middle of keyboard instead of arrow keys (they are still functioning) and it allows me to do my writting very speedy and easy. Would not be such a possibility to implement it to MuseScore? Are still some keys free for that? It would be then very strong tool for writting a music as it is now my Word for writting of words.

PS: In fleeting glance, I found the innovation as good – thanks for your work – I think: good work (a lot of good innovations:-) Example: The option „Continuous view“ or graphic design or remembering of a size of the windows – I very appreciate it… However, for the time being it seems that it is not stable – some things do not function and it crashed me several times, but now, I am not able to describe what could be the cause.


Have you read the Handbook section on Note Entry or watched any of the tutorials. Although some features have changed between the current released version and the experimental nightly builds, the basic process of nite entry remains the same. And it is definitely possible and easy to enter notes using the keyboard alone: number keys select duration, letter keys enter pitches.

Also, in both the current released version and the experimental nightly builds, you can redefine most keyboard shortcuts via Edit / Preferences / Shortcuts.

Discussions about nightly builds would belong into the techonlgie preview forum ;-)

1) Rest entry from the Icons in the menu is possible, the same way as it used to be in 1.x, why do you think otherwise?

2) The handbook for 2.0 is not yet written, hence the void window when hitting F1.
In large parts you can still use the 1.x handbook, online.

4) and 5) were covered in Marc's reply I think.
Not sure what you mean with 3)

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Thank You very much for Your answers… Here is my clarification of some points:
A) To the point 3: When I have two documents stacked and I have moved with it, the other remains in the same position, thus I have to manually move it so as to fit it properly with the other. (Sorry if my English is insufficient.)

B) To the point: „Have you read the Handbook section on Note Entry“ I know most of these keyboard shortcuts and I use them, but at least on my PC the numeral keys which are above letters does not work (only the number 0 for rest). Is it problem with my PC? It is true that now I have not stable OS and I am planning reinstalation. So, what is it about that?

C) To the point: „Rest entry from the Icons in the menu is possible, the same way as it used to be in 1.x, why do you think otherwise?“ Here is maybe misunderstandig and also maybe problem with my PC… The icon for rest simply did not work in no way in the nightlybuild, thus, I thought it is a bug…

And thanks for the suggestion of redefining of keyboard – it did not occur to me. Jaros

In reply to by jaros

The regular number keys work to set durations in MuseScore 1.3 but don't work in the nightly? Or do they not work in either build? What type of OS, what type of keyboard? It *does* normally work, but maybe some special keyboard/OS combinations don't?

The rest icon works like this: select a duration, then also select the rest, then click on score to place a rest of that duration. This works for me both in 1.3 and in the nightly builds. It's an extremely awkward way to enter rests as far as I am concerned, but it does work. How are you trying to do it?

I still don't understand about the multiple windows. Why would you expect moving one score in one window to affect the other score in the other window in any way?

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Thanks for Your answer. I have OS W7. Well, if I understand it properly, both the numeral keys and the mixed or conjointed (with letters) keys functions – then the problem is on my side:-). I am sorry then to trouble you about it. And it do not function in both (1.3 and nightly) and only the mixed keys for numbers. The other shortcuts function without any problem.

As to the rest icon, the problem arrived with the nightlybuild (I have wrote it is there last). Well, I will reinstalate OS and I will see then. However, I am glad that you said: „It's an extremely awkward way to enter rests“. From my viewpoint it is still one big shortcoming which do not make the work in the programme just easy, but I do not know, if there is some change in the nightbuild – I did manage to ascertain it.

A to the multiple windows and synchronization of it, it is in this way: I have several variations of one song with several lines (instruments), and I need to compare or make over some lines (quickly:-), thus as I am continuing, I need to move… If there is only one line, it will not a problem to add other instrument and have it synchronous…
Thanks a lot:-)

PS: After I replied to your answer it announced me this: The comment you are replying to does not exist. What is wrong from my side? It also happened at least in one previous case.

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