Connecting to VMPK in Ubuntu

• Oct 26, 2013 - 18:25

Hi, I'm using Musescore for the sheet music and Virtual Midi Piano Keyboard(VMPK) for playing the keyboard input & output. I'm using both in Ubuntu 13.04. But I don't know how to connect both. may I know how can I get the Musescore output in VMPK, and VMPK output in Musescore ? I have qjackctl and qsynth also. I don't know how to connect musescore and VMPK in qjackctl. I wish to know the jack connection also.

VMPK is working well. Musescore is also working well. But I don't know how to connect both using qjackctl. the connection of musescore in the photo is automatically set by the software itself.that is not working. while playing the notes in musescore, there's no keystrokes in VMPK. but when playing Midi files, after connecting kmidimon to VMPK, the keystrokes are visible. I'm expecting such an output from Musescore also.
thank you.

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I had some success previously using a program called Patchage (available from Ubunutu Software Centre) which allows you to visually connect and disconnect MIDI devices but I very soon found it much quicker and easier to use the computer keyboard for note entry as I kept having to go back and correct problems with the MIDI-entered notes.

In reply to by Bharath chand

It has been a long time since used VMPK and Patchage - possibly in version 10.04 of ubuntu. Now using 12.04 I tried VMPK today and it stuck on the first note (i.e. the note just appeared to be held down even after releasing the mouse key) then crashed about 10 seconds later. Subsequently trying to select a different instrument in VMPK caused a blank dialogue box to appear and then it crashed again. So, I can't get VMPK to work I'm afraid.

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