Two bugs/suggestions about accidentals

• Aug 13, 2009 - 11:35

I use:
0.9.5 release candidate 2, revision 1925, Ubuntu 9.04 on Acer TravelMate 5210

If I change the key within a line (e.g. from "e flat major" to "c major"), the correct symbols appear (three naturals). But if this change is on the first bar of a new line, only the new symbol appears (no naturals, only the three flats disappear). There should be the same behaviour like within a line - or more correctly - the new key at the very end of the line before.

When entering an accidental, this is normally valid for the entire bar. But if I have e.g. 4 notes "f sharp" (key c major) within the same bar, I have to press for times f and than "up" for the sharp. This is not comfortable and not in accordance with classical rules.

Thank you very much for your work on this very promising program.


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