Question about what Musiscore can do.

• Nov 25, 2013 - 19:38

I am looking to make 4-part choral arrangements off of a
melodization of poetry or scripture. Under that I need to have a piano-organ accomp.
simultaneously charted in a basic (editable) way. In other words,
most ideas come as melodies for me at this point. Like give me a set
of words and I'll riff a really good melody with it. Get that on maybe the soprano (top) line of the "score". Then the next
step is to do a vertical harmonize with the melody (in a score) for the voices (automatically?). Then
(or simultaneous to the vertical harmony for voices) generate and score
an arpeggiated BASIC keyboard/guitar accompaniment suggested by the notes in the chords. AND put all that into a workable starter score."

From what I've read Musescore does all that but they don't say anything about voices, just instruments.




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