multi-select drumset features???

• Aug 1, 2017 - 04:03

Might not be the most efficient way of doing this, but I've been writing drumset patterns in Ableton Live, then exporting midi and opening them in Musescore. Musescore has trouble figuring out which notes are which (which is fine) but the ability to do these four things would make it waaaaay easier:

1. Select multiple occurrences of the same note - e.g. select every Eb and move them all up and down.
2. Replace all selected notes with the same note from the drumset palette.
3. delete elements of the drumset palette.
4. Add sound samples into the drumset when creating a new note value (e.g. I would like to be able to add a second cowbell. I know the sound is in there somewhere, but once I've programmed it into the palette there's no way to add that sound to the note - when it triggers it's just silent atm.

Any help with this would be awesome!! I'm begging y'all!


Attachment Size
drums p1.mid 351 bytes


It's not really quite clear to me what you are starting with and what you are trying to end up with. As far as i can tell, what you are describing should already be possible simply by appropriate edits to the drumset definition - no need to change pitches of notes if the pitches you already have are what you want. So maybe I'm misunderstanding something.

Also, does Ableton allow you to customize the pitches used for notes? could be just as easy to set it up to use standard General MIDI - or maybe there is even a built-in option to do that? - so it could be imported directly with no additional tweaking required.

BTW, the MIDI file you attached doesn't appear to be for a percussion instrument - using channel 10 or otherwise setting up the MIDI file to make it clear to MuseScore it is for percussion would also save some work after importing.

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