Tabs whatever

• Aug 3, 2017 - 04:59

Hi everyone,
Is there a way of closing all the tabs (songs loaded into Musescore) at once? For example, when I have 12 songs open in Musescore, I must click each tab to close the song. The problem is, the tabs are all different sizes. Some GUIs lock the tab size so you can hover the mouse on the first tab's X, and then keep clicking until all the songs are closed. Currently, we must shift the mouse back and forth because the X keeps moving depending on the size of the song title. Just curious.


The only way to close them all at once it so close MuseScore. The down side of this is that they will open with MuseScore the next time if you have Continue Last Session selected in the preferences.

I agree, the tabs are clumsy in MuseScore.

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