creating sample libraries etc.

• Aug 4, 2017 - 08:34

dear fellow composers,

i learned notation sequencers 10 years or so with a copy of "music mentor". i find Musescore to be a wonderful open source program. i started with a flutophone in 7th grade and learned trumpet. i played trumpet in the marching band to the 11th grade, played bass guitar for several years. a friend gave me a yamaha 6 string 25 or so years ago and i learned guitar. met a few pros and picked up the blues and much of applied popular music theory. played on the street a few times and found that people were kind and would give me money when my heart was in my performance. with practical music theory and also picking up blues theory and apps, i got into 12 tone, so i'm doing 12 tone popular music. after vietnam i worked and went to college and obtained a B.S. in Sociology and ended up doing some Physics. go figure?

anyway, i'm a service connected 50% vietnam vet who's finally recovering from an agent orange infection of my foot. four years worth. for the past three, i've been writing music with musesc9re and i am delighted with it. there's some things i've figured out on it and then forgot how to do it. i don't know if i can change the meter or not as yet. but i have about an hour of solid music from progressive rock-jazz techno, pure techno dance type material etc. i lost my mom during this period and musescore has helped me work thru that. thanx for everything.


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