Midi keyboard every note entered on first beat

• Jan 11, 2014 - 16:06


I'm having a problem with my midi-keaybord (yamaha clavinova CLP-970) and musescore 0.9.
I've made a connection with midicables to usb. I can play notes on the piano, and they appear in Musescore, however every note appears on the first beat in my sheets. Also when played after each other.
What am I doing wrong?

Thanks in advance,



Have you read the Handbook entry on Note Entry and/or watched the tutorial videos? Have you figured out how to successfully enter notes *not* using the MIDI keyboard? Eg, the whole process of going to Note Entry mode, selecting the duration of the first note, entering the note via mouse or computer keyboard, then selecting the duration for the second note, entering that note, etc?

The process for entering notes via MIDI should be exactly the same except instead of pressing "A" on your computer keyboard, you press the "A" key on your MIDI keyboard. But it's still a one-note-at-a-time process. So let's make sure you have the process down and can enter notes without the MIDI keyboard first...

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

I have, and that works fine.
There are 2 problems I'm experiencing.

First: When I open up a blank sheet and play a note on my keyboard I get a message saying: "No note selected. Select a note and try again." (translated from Dutch, so it might be different in your copy of Musescore). That is very weird, because i'm playing a C on my keyboard, and selected it to be a quarter note. If I enter a note using my mouse or keyboard first, the program does accept the note I play on the keyboard, and adds it to the sheet, but then we proceed to the 2nd problem.

Second problem (which is the same as I explained in my first message, but i'll explain it in more detail): The program doesn't move on to the next beat after I entered the first note. I entered a middle C, I play an E next, and it places it on top of the C on beat 1, making it a major third on beat 1, but I want the E to be played on beat 2.

In reply to by Esaflon

Sounds sort of like the Shift key is stuck on your computer keyboard. That would explain the initial error message - MuseScore is trying to add a note to a chord that doesn't exist yet - as well as the behavior you describe after that (notes being added to chords rather than being played one at a time). But of course, if it were truly stuck, you'd be having worse problems than this. but maybe that gives you some sort of clue?

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