MuseScore 2.0 - How near or far is its release?

• Jan 16, 2014 - 15:26

Let me state one thing in advance: MuseScore 1.3 is a wonderful free tool and I'm not "pushing" for anything more than that. Nevertheless, I'm a curious chap and I would like to know if 2.0 is going to be released "soon" or "late" or "who-knows-when" or "forget-2.0". In what stage is its development?
Oh, please don't invite me to have a look at the nightly builds (I already did). I'm asking for some info about a stable release, not about nightly builds.
Many thanks for your reply. And for MuseScore 1.3, of course!


Anyway, many thanks for your kind replies.
I'll be looking forward to seeing the new 2.0 version until the release day!
In the meanwhile, let 1.3 rule!

In reply to by TromboRafi

I've hit pretty much every feature there is over the past couple of months and overall am pretty impressed with where things are. There has been some recent instability with fonts and text, so it probably doesn't make sense to look closely there as it is still in flux. But my sense is that aside from fonts/text, linked parts and staves are far and away the most questionable / problematic area right now. Linked parts = what happens when you go to File / Parts. Linked Staves = what happens when you hit "Add Linked Staff" when creating a score or adding instruments to your score. Both use the same underlying mechanism, and there are definitely some serious issues there already submitted, with more doubtless yet to be discovered.

Here is what I personally think needs to be done:

We need to make sure that each type of element that can exist in a score will get propagated to parts. We need to test this separately for the case where the element is added to the score *before* the generation of parts as well as after. We also need to make sure that each type of *edit* to a score is reflected in parts (and vice versa) except the types that aren't supposed to be. I think position elements and changes to Style or Layout parameters are not supposed to be linked, everything else probably is but there might be other exceptions.

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