Inline Forum MSCZ files

• Aug 12, 2017 - 16:45

I've noticed that many people will upload their scores not to but to the forums as file attachments in the hope of receiving troubleshooting by other users. This requires a localized downloading and a loading into Musescore by those who want to help, and the thought was that maybe some sort of browser based derivative of the Musescore player at the .com address could allow for inline display on the forums (as with images) within the browser? The problem here is that this could be exploited to get around the 4-score limit of, so it'd have to be implemented in some smart way to minimize its abuse in that sense, but it potentially could speed up troubleshooting done by others if done well.

Maybe this has already been thought out by some team members . . .


Would allowing for scrolling but not playback allay your concerns about the score limit at

As far as users helping people with these scores, it is usually necessary to download the score to really see what it going on. It is little difference to me if I download them from .com or the forums. Things you can't tell by looking on include what type of text is used, anything invisible, non-printable items, voices used and many alterations to elements in the inspector.

In reply to by mike320

It is not of my personal concern, but it could be a reason for the team to not introduce the ability. Maybe eyes-only troubleshooting would work.

You're right though, there are many functionalities available by reading the files locally as opposed to the online vanilla playback, and half the time the help needed requires attention to those details, so maybe it's not that useful of an idea after all. Maybe in the distant future a more full-featured online version of Musescore will be available, and then it might be more applicable?

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