16th and 32nd Grace Note with acciccatura type (slash through stem)

• Aug 15, 2017 - 19:34

On some playback when using these grace notes, they play back at slower speeds. I googled the issue and Marc states to use the acciccatura type for fast playback. However the only available grace note with the slash is the 1/8 note. When reading further in the manual, it states to use / to add the slash to the grace note, but that just changes the 16th to the 8th note acciccatura. It's mostly my OCD with the playback but I would like to see all the notes available as grace notes have the slash in them. I have noticed on playback that long notes and dotted notes playback really slow. In the screenshot I provided in measure 22 the quarter note n with 16th grace notes playback fast but the grace notes on the dotted half note plays back slow. Literally at a one-e-and-a-two at tempo. Unless there is already a way to do this in Musescore that I haven't found.



You can change the duration of a grace note by selecting it and pressing the appropriate number for it such as 3 for a 16th note. From what I can tell, they play back properly.

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