Youtube copyright questions

• Aug 21, 2017 - 13:41

Okay so I haven't recieved any copyrights strikes yet, however I very curious as to whether or not what I'm doing is legal. I enjoy to make arrangements by ear of bands (who have copyrighted music) and post them on musescore as well as youtube. Since it's not the actual track being played as the audio (the usual problem), does that mean its alright? Do I need permission from the copyright holders themselves to post these online? And does it matter whether or not the videos are monotized? Thanks so much for any advice you might have, as I haven't been able to find a clear answer anywhere.


Obligatory disclaimer: I am not a lawyer; when in doubt, consult one for your jurisdiction!

By posting something (to YouTube/MuseScore) on a public link; you are considered to be (re-)publishing the concerning work. This is almost always in violation of an existing copyright if the work is not a public domain work. You will need written consent from the holder of the copyright.

Since you're not playing the original track, chances of getting caught by the automatic fingerprinting detection algorithms is low(er), but that doesn't make it suddenly legal.

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