Re Brass band score

• Feb 10, 2014 - 07:41

I am currently completing a full brass band score.

Is there a way to enter the dynamics in one place ie top of score, for all parts.

Or do i have to manually add in dynamics on each line?



In reply to by brassbands

A nightly build is the latest development version.

It is very useful for seeing what is new in MuseScore 2, but is regarded as unstable and shouldn't be used for serious work.

This is because it is not guaranteed that a file created in a nightly build will open in a later development version.

Having said that - the nightly builds are pretty stable now, and I use a self-compiled development version for any unmetrical music I need to produce.


Meanwhile, in 1.3, you can set the "system" flag in the text style for dynamics. Do this before adding the dynamics to your score; add the dynamics to the top staff when you do add them. This causes them to appear on all generated parts. If you have trouble getting to work on dynamics - some text styles settings are ignored for them - then just use System Text instead of dynamics.

In reply to by brassbands

Actually, it partially works, but you do have to to do it as I described - make the style change *before* adding the dynamics - and it appears to only work for dynamics dragged to the score versus placed with a double click (not sure why).

But creating dynamics as "System Text" - Ctrl+Shift+T definitely works well. "System Text" is text that already has this System flag set and is designed to work that way. You'll just want to change the font to MScore - either in Text Styles before creating the text, or using the text toolbar as you type your dynamics.

FWIW, though, it's typical for dynamics to appear on all staves of a score. They can easily be placed at at once - select all the notes you want to apply to, double click palette icon.

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