Play Repeats button

• Feb 24, 2014 - 21:12

I just downloaded the latest update to Musescore (Version 1.3, Revision 5702). I am running Windows 7 Premium Home Edition. The "Play Repeats" button turns itself off every time I press the Play. The music plays right straight through repeat measures and 1st / 2nd endings. Am I doing something wrong or is this a wee bug?


When you press Play
the repeat button turns gray but works.
Maybe it's a problem of the score, try to attach the score (the button "File attachments")

You have already seen, on the main page, bottom left:
Getting Started
Part 7: Repeats, 1st and 2nd time endings

Attachment Size
repeats.png 10.71 KB

A common cause of this is mismatched repeats - if there are any start repeats without a corresponding end repeat, or vice versa, or you have overlapping repeats, MuseScore will give up and not play any of them (or otherwise not do what you meant).

If that doesn't provide the clue you need, then posting the score would help.

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