Chord Generation and playback

• Mar 29, 2014 - 03:55

I have signed a development agreement. What I would like to see developed is a feature within musescore which will play back the chords with specific instrumentation based on the current chord name functionality.

This would simplify early and rapid development of musical scores.

Interested let me and the development musescore development staff know.Carl


Are you sure you realise the complexity of what you are attempting?

Having experienced Finale's pathetic attempt at chord voicing (a root position triad played in middle C octave) then such a facility is more of a hindrance to rapid development of scores.

In order to get the computer to realise an accompaniment merely from a set of chords is an extremely complex task.

Maybe you should look at Band in a Box, and see what that does before going further with this.

After doing so, and you think you can still implement it successfully, then I would be happy to help in any way I can - it would be a fine addition to MuseScore's playback facility.

Maybe I should have not used the term instrumentation. Really my intent here was simply to be able to play back chords that are held between and across measures or partial measures when playing a score in Muse score. This would be an option. The particular instrument might be the same and the indicated in the base melody.

I recently wrote my first score with this software. I continued to play the melody over and over to cross-check and validate my work. The problem no chords. I am not a professional musician therefore hearing the chords in the depth of my mind and knowledge does not work. I therefore placed chords in the score based on base notes, chord names and music and circle of chords theory. Unfortunately I could not hear the results in MuseScore. Instead I had to continually move back and forth between my computer and my organ validating my chords. Making changes and then editing the score. Over 32-measures I went back and forth numerous times.

Being able to even hear simple chords in the background would have saved hours in finishing the final score.

Hope this clarifies the issue and questions raised.

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