how get rid of ugly rests when have used both 1 and 2

• Sep 15, 2017 - 20:04

For the music I have copied had to used both the 1 and the 2.
The quarter rests erased using the delete button.
But the three count rests don't delete that way.


I have no idea what you mean by 1, 2 and 3 here. Voice? Beat?
Please share the score you're having problems with (the mscz files, not a picture of it) and clarify what you mean.

As mentioned, in order for us to be of much help, we would need you to attach your score.

Voice 1 is always expected to be complete, so you cannot delete rests in that voice. If you are finding you want to, that is generally a sign that you did not choose correctly for your voices in the first place. Rest in other voices are normally retained as well, but there are indeed some special situations where it can be proper to omit some of them, so if you are dealing with music in which that is the case, make sure you are using voice 2 (or above) for any incomplete voices.

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