musescore for blind peapel.

• Sep 19, 2017 - 05:11

hello all ... first of all i want to introduce myself. my name is DharmaPutra from indonesia. I want to create a score by using musescore on Mac OS. but I do not know how to use it. Please help. thanks. and apologize if my english is bad. because I use google translate.


In reply to by DharmaPutra

I would suggest that you start with the page Shoichi pointed you to since it explains how MuseScore works for blind people.

I would next suggest that you read the handbook with MuseScore open so you can understand how it works.

One of the things about MuseScore is that it claims to not be very easy for a blind person to use to make music. If you attempt to make music with MuseScore and run into problems due to your blindness, please create a new post in this forum and ask. I will do what I can to guide you through the difficulty. Of course I cannot write the music for you, so you will need to keep track of which notes are on which staff.

The "Accessibility" page that was linked to earlier does indeed have the best info for blind users. The short answer is you can use MuseScore to some extent, but not everything is keyboard or screenreader friendly, so there will be some limitations as explained in that document. We're working on addressing these issues for a future version of MuseScore.

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