slur "collapse" note (system breck , big interval at end)

• Apr 9, 2014 - 09:43

I saw an improvement of making slur ... they ussually are fine and touch note less often.

But on the score attached as an example it arrive sometime, (on the sheet with all instrument on flute 2 for exemple and on the part of flute 2 and on clarinette 2)

I think it is more often :
when there is a big interval at the and of the slur
when there is an (here automatic) line (system) breack
when there are beam up and down used in the slur

I don't know if it can be improved and if it worth it but, i wanted to know what other thought of it too.....

(I missthread the post)

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In reply to by Zynette

There is a certain amount of manual adjustment I expect to do; in some cases because I want to have that kind of control, in other cases because I am resigned to the fact that I am going to have to. Slurs are probably the biggest example of the latter for me. I am probably less inclined to add these markings in the first place than I would otherwise be, largely because I dread the inevitable manual adjustments.

To me, this is probably the single biggest area for improvement in layout that I would like to see post-2.0. I'm sure it's not an easy problem to solve - it probably requires more math than I care to think about. But at least it is a nicely "contained" problem - I'm betting it involves one function in one file only. Just avoiding notes (chord bboxes) would be fine; no need to worry about other markings as I'm sure that would increase the complexity (and time required) greatly for relatively little gain.

BTW, aside from better slur layout, the other relatively cheap but useful layout improvement I can envision post-2.0 would be collision avoidance for text. I could see allowing the user to assign each text element type a Z-order and a direction to move in case of conflict with an already-laid-out text element. So, for instance, you could specify chord symbols get laid out first, then rehearsal letters, and that in case of conflict, rehearsal letters should be moved left. I'm not so sure this much couldn't be done via a plugin in fact...

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