Odd issue, lost a lot of work

• Sep 21, 2017 - 23:06

I've been working on a piece lately that at some point made a copy of itself and called it something like sgb3924. The piece was identical, and it showed up in the Start Center under that name, and I guess I got complacent and just went with it. Every time I opened Musescore back up after saving and closing, there's good old sgb3924, and I would open it, work on it, save, and close. Today upon opening, my MuseScore had a black screen. I have this problem all the time, and I learned long ago that I have to factory reset from Terminal. So I did that, and Start Center was blank. Which I then realized is what usually happens upon factory reset, so I went to look for my piece, and it's not in the Scores folder. There's a copy of it from when it inexplicably branched off into sgb3924, but that was a while ago. How can I get sgb3924 back? I'll be saving it to Scores explicitly this time. Thanks!


I think what happened when you got the file named sgb3924 is that MuseScore crashed and that was the name of the auto-saved file it used to recover your score from. That file probably lives in some random folder you'd never normally see. Instead of continuing to work from that it indeed would have been better to do a "Save As" and save back to one of your own folders with a more meaningful name. But no problem, the file is presukably still wherever it was. Do a full search of your hard drive for MSCZ files (eg, using Windows Explorer, Mac Finder, etc). If you don't find it, say what OS you are on and we can give you more clues as to where it might be.

As for the black screen, if you're on Mac, then update to the latest version (2.1). A previous version had a bug that would lead to this.

In reply to by Carrotstrip

Do you think the factory reset may have erased the autosave files? I was able to find some similar looking files in Application Support/Musescore/Musescore2, but none of them (there were only 2) were the one I'm looking for. I keep regular drive backups; maybe the file is still in one of those?

In reply to by Carrotstrip

Glad you found i! It could possibly help other users who have this problem in the future if you mentioned how/where you ended up finding it. Details for things like this differ from OS to OS and also MuseScore version to MuseScore version, also depending on exactly how you got into the situation, so it's tough for us to give definitive one-size-fits-all answers.

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