Two Tabs

• Sep 22, 2017 - 01:23

I have a dual monitor setup which now comes in very handy. I was asking if there was a way to open two MuseScore tabs so that I can put one on my main monitor and the other on my secondary monitor. I'm trying to transpose some music and it gets very annoying having to switch between the two in app tabs and not being able to view both at once. If someone could tell me how to do this or if it's not possible, it would be very much appreciated.


I don't know if it will split between 2 monitors, but if you look about 3/4 the way down the View menu, there are options to stack or side by side 2 windows. You can have the same score in the 2 windows, in different places.

For side-by-side monitors, be sure that your system's display setting is set to something like "extend" rather than "duplicate". This way you'll get one large desktop where you can spread/drag the MuseScore window across both monitors.
For example, when you view your score(s) side by side in MuseScore, you can drag the vertical bar separating the two to the mid-point of the dual screens, resulting in a single score on each screen.

For vertical screen setups, the procedure is similar, but one would use the 'stacked' option in the view menu. This way one score would be above, one below, on separate monitors.

Finally, if you are transposing a score, MuseScore can do it automatically. See:
Then you can save the transposed score ("save as") assigning a different name if you wish to keep the original. In this instance, dual monitors (and switching between tabs) may be unnecessary.

Regards, and welcome aboard.

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