Halving note values

• Apr 17, 2014 - 00:24

Version: Musescore1.3
So I've made a bit of an error with a recent composition where I've essentially done everything in 4/2 instead of 4/4, or 8 bar phrases rather than 4 bar. Whichever way you look at it, it's not right. Before I endure the tedious task of essentially just halving everything, I was wondering if there was a quick way to change note values/lengths? For example changing every crotchet to a quaver, every minim to a crotchet, every semibreve to a minim etcetc. Would save me a task, but I don't really expect there to be an easy way I guess.



In reply to by Marc Sabatella

I am also having this problem and again im finding no way to do it except by selcting multiple notes, right clicking, going to 'note preferences' and changing the 'note-head-type' to whichever one I want.
Also please let me know if you find anything out about halving ~ could be useful!

I have a perl program that halves the note/rest and other pertinent values, if anyone is interested.

You can obtain it from //www.tobit.co.uk/mscore/mscore-halve

Just run the program for instructions. It is a perl program so that you can look at it first to check that it won't do anything nasty. It has been tested on some quite meaty files that have been converted from Finale produced musicxml as well as normally entered native mscore files.

It is not a plugin, it takes a file.mscx or file.mscz and converts it into file-halved.mscx.

It has only been tested on linux perl, you will need to have the XML::LibXML (CPAN) package installed, but most modern distros will have it available as a package (debian: apt-get install libxml-libxml-perl). After download you will have to make it executable or run it as perl mscore-halve ....

It will only work on MuseScore version 2 or greater.

Lemme know if you find bugs or want to suggest enhancements.

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