Make 2 piano staves 1 piece of music

• Sep 24, 2017 - 19:49

I'm trying to make 2 piano staves 1 piece of music and I don't know how because I am new to the system. The things that are highlighted in my picture will go away once I join the staves?

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It isn't quite clear what you mean. Your picture shows a single line of music for two pianos. is this what you want? If so, you're done. if you really mean you want two lines of music for a single piano, you need to go to Edit / Instruments and remove the second piano. Now you will have only a single piano. Then just add however many measures you need and they will automatically take up as many lines as are required (fewer when the measures are empty, but it will spread out as you add notes).

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Basically what I mean is that instead of doing 2 piano staves, just make it 1 piece. For example, when you look at a piece of sheet music, you only see the time signature at the beginning. When I make 2 staves, there is 4 time signatures, and I'm trying to get rid of that.

In reply to by mooscle

As I said, you currently have a piece of music for two pianos. That is why there is a time signature for both of them. Sounds like you do indeed want only a single piano. In which case you need to do what I said - go to Edit / Instruments and delete the spurious extra piano. Now there will be only one piano. It seems you added the second piano in the mistaken belief that this was how to add more lines of music, but this is not the case.
The way you add more lines of music is simply to start entering your music and it will automatically spread out to two or more lines as necessary. just like you don't do anything in a word processor to add more lines or more pages - you just type your text and it goes to the next line or page when it needs to. it's the same with MuseScore.

In reply to by mooscle

Not to worry, I'm not irritated :-)

As I said, measures expand as you enter notes, so you may find you only get four measures per system anyhow once you enter the notes. But if you wish to force only four measures even though more would fit, just add a line break. See the Breaks & Spacers palette, or just clcik the barline where you want the break and hit Enter - again, same as how you'd force a word processor to end a line earlier like
I just did
for these lines

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