Musescore player app

• May 5, 2014 - 17:20

I just got the newsletter announcing the MS player app, and was struck by this comment:

"We at MuseScore believe it’s more beneficial to offer this app at a low cost, and maintain the free status of the MuseScore music notation software."

I thank the developers from the bottom of my heart for adopting that position.


Bought for ipad mini recently, works perfectly,
only a few issues waiting to improve.

1.) Very low volume playback - Had to upgrade speaker 16W RMS at least,
another solution, make all notes to Velocity 127, for 5w speakers, very loud enough,
but no dynamics.

2.) Song Display only Title , - hope to display full file name.

3.) Long Press to delete file, better short press, check box even better.

In reply to by dds

"Filename"? That's a very un-iOS concept :-). Really, I don't think any iOS apps expose such a concept; it's probably even forbidden in the design guidelines.

I also can't think of any iOS apps that use a single short tap to initiate a delete. I can't see how that would make sense - that's how you select a song to view/play! Long tap or swipe is much more common it seems to me. That or an Edit button that exposed checkboxes and a Delete button, but that usually feels more cumbersome to me.

Not sure what you mean about playback volume - that seems totally normal to me.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

i'm a pc guy from 8088 age til now, only have 2 ios devices, 3gs iphone and ipad mini,
they are very different to IOS indeed.

just bought a dell venue pro win8 tablet, it replaced old notebook and ipad mini
when teaching. So amazing MS2.0 with SalamanderGrandPianoV3_48khz24bit
a 1.8gb piano soundfont on this tablet never found any problem.

The volume playback issue, i used ms2.0 playback the piano part as virtual accompanist,
violin student to play solo part along with that. small kids were
okay 1/8, 1/2 size, they not sound louder. But for some teenage students, 3/4, 4/4 size
they play very louder, they can't hear the piano part.

I changed a Edifier R1800TIII which 16W Output, connect to IOS ms player much better,
student and I could listen real / virtual instruments same time.

In reply to by dds

Well, no doubt the iPad mini does not have very loud speakers, but that is not MuseScore's fault. The question to me is, does the MuseScore app sound quiet than *other* apps playing similar music (eg, synthesized music created with dynamics, not compressed commercial recordings)? For me, it sounds pretty much the same as other apps playing similar music. Just trying to understand if your expectations are unrealstic or if there is some sort of special issue unique to your particular device.

Greetings to all!

I just purchased and installed Musescopre Player on my Nexus 7. The player works great!

Is it possible to use different soundfont for the app? Sorry if similar questions have been asked. I searched and didn't find any.

I'd like to thank the genius and hardworking people to create Musescore and the Musescore Player app for us to enjoy.


I bought musescore songbook for iPad, because I wanted to use it for playing a score to the singers in a choir instead of playing piano myself. Works well with a separate speaker, the singers in the choir are happy. Not am I because of carrying the big active speaker around and pulling cables to the wall outlet and between iPad and speaker. I tried a Bose Soundlink III which normally is able to make a lot of volume. But playing musescore songbook was very disappointing due to the low volume of the piano sound. Is there any way to optimize the volume of the piano sound in MS songbook?

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