Big error and crash

• May 6, 2014 - 19:46

I have big problem. I download beta (nighlty) version of MuseScore and I don't get a playback sound. Then I read on forum, to change 1 setting in device menu (bottom setting, I don't remember the name). Now, when I start the program and click to something, windows tell me 'something went wrong' and close the program. I can't do anything. I try to delate all files (including dll), and when I download again and unpack I'll see the same problem again, crash and close. Can you help me?


First, realize the nightly versions aren't even "beta" quality or stability yet. So don't use them without expecting trouble and the very potential for lost work.

That said, probably you need to delete your preferences and other settings. You mention Windows but don't say which version. On most, I believe you can go to C:\Users\yourname\AppData. Then go to Local and delete the MuseScoreDevelopment folder, then the same for Roaming.

In the future, it is better to use thr Technology Preview forum for discussing the experimental nightly builds, leaving this Support forum for the "supported" version (1.3).

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