More jazz leadsheet/transcription-related questions

• May 15, 2014 - 15:45

Hi, folks. I had a couple of questions that have arisen as I've used Musescore 1.X for creating lead sheets and for notating transcriptions. I hope it's okay to gang the questions in one post -- apologies if this is covered elsewhere or should be inherently obvious.

(1) Slur from preceding note on second ending at beginning of staff. - I frequently encounter a situation where I have a system which begins a second or alternate ending, where I want to continue a slur from a note which does not immediately precede that ending in the staff. Is it possible to create an "end of slur" which doesn't have to attach directly to a note in the preceding bar in the staff?

(2) "Scoop" or "rip" up to a note. - In doing transcriptions of trumpet players, I find the need to notate a "scoop" (often notated like a quarter-circle or arc) or "rip" up to a note (like a gliss, but no text attached) which does not attach to the previous note. Is this possible?

(3) Slash notation in cue note area. Is there a not-awkward way of combining cue notes and slash notation above the staff? In other words, I want to notate a cued rhythm in bars 1 and 3, and cue "time" in bars 2 and 4. (The only way I've seen to accomplish this is to manually remove the stems from quarter notes in that voice.)

Also, are there any changes planned in 2.X which would affect the approaches to these challenges?

Thanks in advance!



I think 2.0 address some of these issues but suggest you try a nightly build and see if it has what you want and post a Feature Request if it doesn't.

Meantime, for the slur, I just place a slur from 1st note in measure to second and then drag its right handle over to the left (past its origin note). For the scoop, rip, doit, fall or whatever you refer to it as then try clicking a note and pressing Z and seeing if any of the symbols there work for you (or, just mess about with a slur). For your third question it would help if you had an image of what you're after but just about anything that you can place on the stave can be dragged upwards or downwards.

For #1, I assume you actually mean a tie, not a slur. There is no current way to have a one-side tie, but one-side slurs *do* work, so actually, deliberately using a slur instead of a tie is a workaround. Just use the slur symbol (from the Lines palette) instead of an actual tie and drag/bend shape it however you want. And as mentioned, that can also provide a means of create a fall, doit, scoop, etc. Or you could just use a plain line from the lines palette if you don't need it curved.

2.0 does provide falls etc, and they will work more or less the same as one-sided slurs do currently, except they will already start off size & shaped well, and they will also affect music spacing as one might expect.

For 3, an example of what you mean would definitely help. I think you are already aware of the slash notation plugin? It's third option - "accent notation" - is designed to do the cued rhythms. But if you want the same thing but with just four slashes, then yes, manually removing the stems is the straightforward solution. Or use the regular slash notation option but then mark manually mark the notes small and transpose them to place them above the staff (or use the option in the dialog to choose the staff position).

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