Do you guys think my music could get stolen?

• May 24, 2014 - 16:43

I wrote a song that I really treasure, but I want to keep it in safe hands. Is there any way it could get stolen, because I can't afford copyright!


Eric, in most of countries of the world your work is copyright as soon as you have completed it.

Yes, lawyers will charge you a hefty fee to register the copyright, but it is not normally necessary to do that.

What does help is to be able to establish it's existence on a specific date, which can be done by uploading it to or putting a copy in an envelope and posting it to yourself.

It is a good idea to include the legend Copyright © Eric Clements then the date on the title page.

It is also very unlikely that anyone would want to steal your song anyway, unless it has already gone viral on Youtube or something, and anyway it wouldn't be in a publishing or record company's interests to do that as it would rock an already very shaky boat.


THe best way to keep it from being stolen is get it out there as soon as possible, as wide as possible, Then people will know it's yours.

You stole(pun intended) most of it yourself :)
Every creator absorbs from his environment.

I think Kenny Howard (Von Dutch) was right when he stated: "Use any of my stuff you want to. Nothing is original. Everything is in the subconscious, we just "tap" it sometimes and "think" we have originated something. Genes make us more or less interested in certain things but nothing is truely original! Copyright and patents are mostly an ego trip."

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