
• Oct 15, 2017 - 09:39

The playback of MuseScore is nice to have, but there is nothing to write home about it. The huge Sibelius library sounds more organic, but it isn’t great neither. However Sibelius opens the doors for other developers, such as EWQL and NotePerformer to take over. As result, the combined value to users is great.
At least in this aspect, the closed source software (Sibelius) is more open than the open source software (MuseScore). I certainly doubt this situation will last. However, I can not leave Sibelius unless I can have NotePerformer on MuseScore. Well, I might be too obsessed with playback, but what are scores for?


Welcome aboard.

You wrote: ...but what are scores for?
Answer: For the last few centuries, scores have been used by human musicians to perform what a composer has notated. MuseScore creates a human readable score, adhering to established music engraving standards.

As an aside...
In modern times, as machines started playing music, I chortled when the precise, rigid, synthesized meter was modified with -- and get this -- a 'humanize' feature included in some playback apps. ;-)
If you wish to create studio quality audio output, a score writer is not the best tool.
(Though MuseScore has, over the years, made improvements in this area; but score notation is still its primary focus.)


In reply to by Jm6stringer

Thank you for your reply.
Schubert never heard his symphony No. 8 “Unfinished”. No matter in the past, present, and more so in the future, few composer can afford to have an orchestra at his/her disposal. Technology, for the first time, provided the opportunity for composer to hear their work without live performance. The key is to let machine play music the human way. The uniqueness of NotePerformer is that it reads scores as if it is an accomplished player, since it learned the interpretation from master recordings. Sounds like AI, isn't it?
The intended main purpose of MuseScore, as well as other notation softwares, is score writing and editing. In day to day use, however, I inevitably rely on it's playback (I believe I am not alone), since it's right at the fingertips. To Avoid the wrong aural feedback as much I can, playback becomes more important when I choose a notation software.

I know nothing of NotePerformer, but MuseScore is perfectly capable of working with third party soundfonts or with external synthesizers / DAW software via JACK.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Hello, Mark Sabatella! I am discussing in the italian forum of MuseScore about the possibility of the use of Noteperformer with MuseScore. I know that is actually impossible. You say that I can use Noteperformer with Musescore via JACK. Can you explain me better how can I do? Thank you!
PS When I compose something I usually go to a sound engineer that uses a DAW to give a better sound to my piece. I'd like to do this work at home, via Noteperformer.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Noteperformer is neither a standalone applicaton nor a VST that can be loaded into a (JACK-aware) VST host, it's an application-specific binary plugin available for several (proprietary/commercial) notation programs.
JACK really won't help here ...

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