Triplet against duplet

• Oct 20, 2017 - 08:22

Is it possible to have a triplet against a duplet? Say I have a treble clef stave in which the lower part is in crotchets and the upper part in triplet quavers? I may have missed something obvious, but I don't seem to be able to select just one of the parts in order to "tripletize" it.


In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Thanks. I have two voices, but one needs to have duplets and the other one triplets. So can I select just one voice? It seems to me that when I try to select one they are both selected. Screenshot - 201017 - 08:57:04.png In the screenshot, both voices are selected, so you can't turn just one of them into a triplet part, or can you deselect one of them?

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