Note stems - Disappearing

• Oct 21, 2017 - 14:58

Inexplicably, note stems randomly disappear - Any solution? (See attached, m.10 on-Part III)
Thanks. Sandy T.

Attachment Size
Chaconne-full.mscz 53.9 KB


You must accidentally press the key v on the keyboard.
select stem and press the v key again.

But there is the same thing in the generated "Parts".
Select All (Ctrl+A) and click the Set Visible button under the Element Group from the "Inspector" (Toogle with F8).

In reply to by spojaw

Indeed, it's unlikely you selected stems and pressed "V" a whole bunch of times if you don't remember doing so. However, other things are possible here:

  • you had multiple note stems selected when you accidentally pressed "V" a single time
  • you had multi-selected notes, pressed "V", which hid the notes but not stems, then you attempted to correct the error by range selecting the passage and pressing "V", which reversed the situation
  • the "V" key is flaky on your keyboard and sending key up signals randomly
  • you have customized your shortcuts and some other key is also acting as the command to toggle visibility
  • probably other explanations

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