Controls on the General tab of the preferences dialog box are stretched

• Oct 28, 2017 - 16:44


As the controls on the General tab of the preferences dialog box are stretched to the entire dialog box, I find this tab difficult to read.
This is the only tab that is so stretched. It may be a matter of taste, but why is this tab not managed like the others?

General tab of the Musescore preferences.png
Score tab of the Musescore preferences.png




Your images show two dialog boxes: General and Partiton. Both images look the same size, so I don't quite understand your question.

Anyhow, you can move your mouse cursor to an edge of the dialog box until it turns into a
double arrow <-->.
Then you simply drag the double arrow to re-size the dialog box to your own preference.


In reply to by Jm6stringer


I put now an English version of the dialog box bellow to help you to recognise it.
All the screenshots are from a unique dialog box: the preferences one.

I enlarged the preferences dialog box because of the shortcuts tab, to be able to see more shortcuts at the same time.

If you look carefully how the controls are displayed in the dialog box when it is big, you will notice that the general tab is managed differently than the others.
You can also notice that the miscellaneous group is a bit lost at the bottom of the canvas tab.

As you suggested me I can resize the preference dialog box each time I want to display the shortcuts tab, to have a more readable general tab but I wonder why this tab is not managed like the others.

It is cosmetic but so strange to me: I would find normal not to try to stretch the controls of the general tab, but to place them on the top of the dialog box, like it is for the other tabs (except miscellaneous group, which is another incongruity).

All the screenshot bellow are from the préférences dialog box:
General tab of the Musescore preferences- English.png
Canvas tab of the Musescore preferences - English.png
Note input tab of the Musescore preferences - English.png
Score tab of the Musescore preferences - English.png
IO tab of the Musescore preferences - English.png
Import tab of the Musescore preferences - English.png
Export tab of the Musescore preferences - English.png
Shortcuts tab of the Musescore - English.png
Update tab of the Musescore preferences - English.png



In reply to by BertrandW

I see what you mean...
The Shortcuts tab is the one most likely to be dragged to a larger size in order to place in view more of the shortcuts.
So, once the Preferences dialog box is lenghtened, the General tab and the Canvas tab behave differently from the other seven tabs.

The general tab's contents stretch to fill the dialog box, so this happens:


Instead of this:

Preferences_General _contents_unstretched.png

The canvas tab's contents get split apart, with Miscellaneous stuck to the bottom of the box:

Preferences_Canvas _tab.png

I don't know how important these inconsistencies are, but one hallmark of a 'polished' software is to be fairly predictable and consistent. Depending on any more feedback, you may wish to file an issue.


In reply to by Jm6stringer

Ah, I was looking at the stretch horizontally and couldn't understand the point being made. Now I get it, we are talking abut how the dialog is stretched vertically. Probably this was said and I missed it.

Anyhow, if anyone wants to fix this, it's probably just a matter of adding a spacer below the content you want to keep together.

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