Swap with clipboard

• Nov 5, 2017 - 10:33

@ Geetar

You made swap with clipboard say

To swap with clipboard:

  1. Copy/cut a selection of the score.
  2. Press Shift and Click on the note where you want to begin your swap with the clipboard. Or simply select a start measure.
  3. Apply a Swap with clipboard option (see table above). This will paste the contents of "1" onto the passage selected in "2," and copy the overwritten section from "2" into the clipboard.
  4. Paste the clipboard as required.

The problem is in step 2. you do NOT want to press Shift while you select a starting point for the swap. I'm not sure the way you reworded the rest it makes it clearer, but I don't feel good and can't think well enough to suggest a fix. I think it's written too much like a programmer would write rather than the way a teacher would explain it to a child.


After some testing, I found that shift+click on a note, or selecting a measure, before applying swap-with-clipboard, seems to work OK. Selecting a range first is possible but seems redundant given that whatever range you select, MuseScore will always adjust it to the clipboard length.

In reply to by geetar

If you copy or cut a section of music then shift click without doing anything else one end of the destination selection area will change to be the first note in the copy area to where you shift click. This may or may not be what the user wants. It will get the desired results half of the time. I thought that when I originally wrote this section that I said to select a destination area and somehow explained that it can be anything from a note to a larger area.

What I had not previously seen is that if you select only a note, the destination area is not adjusted, only the note selected is put onto the clipboard, but the paste overwrites whatever is needed to clear the clipboard. If you select more than one note or even too large of an area, the area moved to the clipboard is automatically adjusted to match the size of the clipboard before the swap.

If you have nothing else selected and shift click a note, you select the entire chord, at that point the swap area is adjusted. If you have anything else selected, you will create a selection area with the shift-clicked note at one end of it. If that note is at the beginning, the swap will work, if the note is at the end of the selection, the wrong notes will be swapped.

In reply to by mike320

If you copy or cut a section of music then shift click without doing anything else one end of the destination selection area will change to be the first note in the copy area to where you shift click.

Point taken. A note needs to be added to make sure the user clears any previous selection.

What I had not previously seen is that if you select only a note, the destination area is not adjusted, only the note selected is put onto the clipboard, but the paste overwrites whatever is needed to clear the clipboard. If you select more than one note or even too large of an area, the area moved to the clipboard is automatically adjusted to match the size of the clipboard before the swap.

Agreed. So just clicking on a note or rest (before applying swap-with-clipboard) is not an option.

In reply to by geetar

You eliminated the note about the area being moved to the clipboard will be adjusted to match the size already on the clipboard, which I now know should include a note telling the user that if a single note is selected that is the only thing that will be moved to the clipboard. I think the new user should be made aware that if, for example, they copy one measure and select two measures as the destination, only one measure will be swapped or the other way around.

In reply to by mike320

You eliminated the note about the area being moved to the clipboard will be adjusted to match the size already on the clipboard

Yes, I took that out because it's already in the introductory text. But perhaps it needs to be reinstated?

… which I now know should include a note telling the user that if a single note is selected that is the only thing that will be moved to the clipboard

Just clicking on a note or rest is not correct procedure so, IMV, no need to mention it.

I think the new user should be made aware that if, for example, they copy one measure and select two measures as the destination, only one measure will be swapped or the other way around.

Would it be simpler to recommend just these two methods: (1) Shift+click on a chord or (2) Select a measure?

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