Screenshot to svg gives defective image

• Nov 14, 2017 - 19:18

Here are screenshots of a bar to png (pixel array) and svg (vector) formats. First the .png displays inline:


The .svg has to be downloaded: ref3-1.svg

The vector format should in principle be fantastic, preserving every detail, but in fact everything is awry. The note heads are neither properly on lines or spaces, and they do not fit correctly onto the stems. Is this a known problem?

Attachment Size
ref3-1.png 19.02 KB


As usual, it helps to attach the score and steps to reproduce, also to say what version of MuseScore and what OS. Worked fine for me just now on Windows when I took the default score that opens with MuseScore 2.1, added four quarter ntoes to the first measure, and exported that much to SVG using the Image Capture tool.

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