Repetitive questions.

• Nov 22, 2017 - 01:20

Over the years I have seen many, many similar questions, e.g. visibility, multi-measure, etc.

I think it would be useful to have a "Top 3/5 Questions" window at the top of forums.

Said window would be updated at decided intervals and would reflect the issues currently most raised.

It could reduce repetitive questions.



Well, I really doubt that having some FAQs would reduce the amount of such questions significantly. But yes, there are some such FAQs, the most frequent answers to those are "use voices", "Hide empty staves", "toggle multimeasure rests", "disable loop playback". Difficultly on putting together an FAQ collection is to catch the many differently phrased questions.

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

The real problem is that these are not "FAQs", they are "FGAs" - frequently given answers. There is no obvious way of wording almost every question to which the answer is "voices", so that it is almost impossible to find the answer other than by exhaustive search of the manual. This is why a I suggest that an "instant guide", in the form of a couple of pages of "score" illustrating the common cases would be far more effective than any amount of writing. (Someone posted a terminology guide - 'system', 'staff', etc etc - the other day, and this would be an invaluable part of it.)

General questioner behaviors in forums: (Please read with a smile) :) :

Many of them are ready to read and learn.
"Thank you"

Some read it, but they object to it:
"But I know it should not be that way"
"Doing it this way is wrong!"
"Change it like I'm used to"
"It is not as it is told; ... it is not ... , ... it is not ..., hmmm, it is"

Others (thankfully only a few) are acting as company patrons.
"Answer the question I asked"
"I don't have time to read a page of documents"
"Can it be done or not?"

Some of them are confused:
"I want a priority answer"

Some are nervous:
"What I want is not done with this software. I'm going to buy Finalius or Sibale"

Thanks to everyone, they keep this forum alive, colorful and active: D

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