Highlight selected notes on the piano keyboard

• Nov 23, 2017 - 15:58


I'm a beginner and would like to see hints on a keyboard for the notes selected in the score.

This looks easy to do, should extend Score with a call to _selection->unqiueNotes()) and show it in endCmd of MuseScore.

When multiple notes are selected it would be nice to show them in different colors with matching colors on the piano keyboard.

This looks harder, since piano keyboard don't support different colors for keys, it is unclear for me how to highlight notes using different colors but this is done already for second voice.


A chord is made up of 1 or more notes, so you would need to change the color of each note in a chord. I don't program so I'm not sure which functions to call.

I believe the different color for different notes on the keyboard is beyond the score of MuseScore. It's a score editor, not a tool to learn the piano. However, there could be some value in marking the selected pitches in the keyboard in a single color.

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