Chords not showing

• Nov 24, 2017 - 08:46


I've added some chords to a lead sheet and some don't show at all and rest show only one character. If I click on a chord and choose edit, when the edit window opens the full chord is there but once I'm done and close out it goes back to 1 character showing.

I haven't been able to find any posts about this problem or see anything in the manual about it.

Any ideas?



My best guess is that your installation is corrupted and the necessary chord description files that are normally in MuseScore's "Styles" folder are missing. Or else you tried specifying a custom chord symbol style but your file contains a syntax error. Be sure, when you attach your score, that you also say what version of MuseScore, what OS, and if there is anything unusual about your installation.

One common cause of this is, trying to build from source but not then doing a "make install" and instead tryign to just run the executable file from the build folder. That won't work.

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