Can I pause a breath by counts instead of by seconds?

• Nov 27, 2017 - 17:14

Hello everyone
I've noticed that I can cause a breath comma to pause a certain amount of time during playback, but that amount of time is measured in seconds. Is there any way to make it be measured in counts? For example, if there is a breath between the third and fourth quarter note of a 4/4 measure, can I specify that the wait should be 1 quarter note long? If not, is there a way to cause the pause during playback (and export)?
Samuel (new user)


You must do this in seconds. Remember that the pause will affect all instruments in the score, not just the one with a breath mark.

In reply to by ugcheleuce

That is what you would need to do. The tempo in the Play Panel (F11) is always based upon the quarter note (even if you enter the tempo as eighth note = something. So to determine how many seconds to pause for a quarter note divide 60 by the BPM, so 120 BPM would need a .5 sec pause for a quarter note.

Note: the Inspector has the option of following text so it may complicate things. If you select a note the Play Panel tells the tempo of the current note, so there is no need to look for a tempo mark.

Pausing in "musical counts", including by fraction seems a much better (at least rough) method. at least to get close. Then the application of seconds or or fractions would be useful.

Not sure of your intended usage, but normally, if you want a pause that really is a specific number of beats, you would use actual rests for that, not the pause, which is intended to be more subjective.

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