Changing any clef to a percussion clef

• Dec 5, 2017 - 21:35

I have to have a percussion line and a bass line for a school project, but Musescore will not let me change anything into a percussion clef that isn't already a percussion clef. So is there a fix for this?


There is only a workaround.

Create both a percussion and a bass line and enter your notes on both. Use the Style->General... menu and check "Hide empty staves" Remove the check from "Don't hide empty staves in first measure." If the two staves overlap on a line then adjust line breaks to make it look good, so the bass will start at the beginning of a line.

Or, instead of first adding a non-percussion staff and then trying to change it to a percussion staff, simply add it as a percussion staff in the first place. That is, when adding a staff in Edit / Instruments, simply choose something under Unpitched Percussion.

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