Audio is slowed down when exporting to WAV.

• Dec 11, 2017 - 18:30

I've just finished writing a piece which I intend to record live and am trying to export the audio file to WAV. so I can import it into Logic Pro X as a backing track to record against. However, the tempo is drastically reduced from 180bpm to about 80 and I can't find any way to solve this. MIDI files can be exported and imported into Logic at the correct tempo but the Cello synth is a bit rubbish and distracting in Logic so I'd rather not use it if possible. I have also checked what the audio sounds like before it's imported into Logic and it is already slowed down so it's not incorrect settings in Logic either. Any help would be very much appreciated!


In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

I've actually just figured it out, thank you. I tried twice using "Export Parts..." to do it all in one go and both times the audio was slowed down but then tried going through doing them one at a time just using "Export..." and for some reason that worked. Potentially a bug perhaps? Don't see any other reason why one would work over the other when they both are meant the achieve the same thing. Thanks again though!

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