How can I insert a right-aligned horizonatal frame for adjusting right margin?

• Dec 22, 2017 - 04:35

I'm a newbie and want to use a horizontal frame to adjust the right margin for a single line, which the handbook says can be done. Inserting a horizontal frame allows the left margin to be adjusted, because the frame is left-aligned (it appears to the left of the selected measure). They say you can drag and drop it to the right, but I seem unable to do that. Quoting the handbook: "to right align, drag it across the vertical frame using the mouse, having made it smaller first" It won't drag for me. Does anyone see what I'm missing?


In reply to by Shoichi

" Inserting a horizontal frame allows the left margin to be adjusted, because the frame is left-aligned (it appears to the left of the selected measure)"
My understanding, with a simple example.
You want to receive an horizontal frame at the end of a line/staff, let say of 4 measures.
And after your first attempt, you get:
So, instead of measure 4 , you have to insert this frame first in measure 5 (first measure of next line), and then cut the line break. You receive:
Drag and drop a new line break in this frame (or select the frame, and double-click on the line break symbol in the palette)
cinq bis.jpg
At last, edit the frame: six.jpg

If the single line is the last line of the score, you need to append a frame:
To append a frame to the score choose one of the following options:
•From the menu select Add → Frames → Append...
•Right-click on an empty space in the score window and select Frames → Append...

If the single line you wish to adjust is in the middle of the score:
Delete any line break, if present, on that single line.
Select the measure after the measure where you want the line to end.
Insert a horizontal frame by choosing one of the following options:
◦From the menu select Add → Frames → Insert...
◦Right-click on an empty space in the score window and select Frames → Insert...
With the frame inserted, you can then apply a break to the frame itself, so the measure before the frame is the last measure on the line.

Open this attachment in MuseScore.


Attachment Size
H_frames.mscz 5.75 KB

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