Soundfonts not working

• Dec 25, 2017 - 22:06

I have installed several soundfonts, loaded them into the synthesizer, and had them make no sound. I tried separating the sf2 files into individual files for each instrument using Viena, which made no difference. What could be causing this?


Is the default soundfont working? If so, then the problem iis presumably the other soundfonts themselves, or maybe they are not GM-compatible so you will need to explicitly choose sounds in the Mixer.

if even the default doesn't work - try Help / Revert to Factory Settings to be sure you have everything set back to the defaults - then there is something else going on. A handful of people on macOS have experienced probloems, some of which have been tracked down to incompatibility with other installed software, some of which are still mystifying it seems. What OS, what version of MuseScore, and what do you see in Edit / Preferences / I/O?

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