play one part hear all parts

• Jan 10, 2018 - 20:51

I want to practice the bass line and hear all parts. When I go to the bass part all I hear is the bass line. When I open the mixer it only shows the bass part.
Thanks for any help on this.


Interesting oversight on the part of MuseScore I suspect. It would make sense to be able to see only the Bass part in MuseScore and listen to the rest of the song so you can play along. The reason you are seeing only the Bass in the mixer is because you created the part for it and that is what you are looking at. If you want to see the Bass part while you listen to the rest, I would suggest you export the part as PDF and open it there for your score. Mute the Bass in the full score, press play with count in (use the player for this by pressing F11). This will give you time to switch to view the PDF while the song is getting ready to play. This is the best workaround I can think of.

In reply to by Shoichi

One major or minor problem with this depending on the score is that the musician will not be able to see more of the score than MuseScore will show him at one time. So if the score continues on the next page, the musician will not see his next note until the score moves to that page and starts play the next note. I suppose put the score in continuous view would make this a bit easier to follow, but it makes sense to me to be able to see only the part the musician is playing while MuseScore plays the rest.

And a further suggestion (besides the other mentioned recommendable comments):

If you want to have the bass part louder than the other instruments in the main score use dynamics (for example "forte" for the bass part and "piano" for the other or vice verce) or adjust the volume inside the mixer and save the settings inside the score via view->synthesizer

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