different endings
I've entered the first two endings with a square bracket labelled 1 and the third ending with a square bracket labelled 3. I want to do it with 1,2 over the first (one) bar; I want to have just the one bracket over the last three bars; at present I have three repeated single square brackets.
It's easier to help if you attach your score so we can exactly what is going on. Sounds like you entered three voltas but now have changed you mind and want only two? So click the one you don't want and delete it. Then right click the one you want to change and use Volta Properties to change its properties. Double click and use Shift+right/left to change which measures it covers.
See the Handbook under Volta for more info.
See https://musescore.org/en/handbook/voltas
Continued in https://musescore.org/en/node/268629?
In reply to Continued in https:/… by Jojo-Schmitz
Many thanks; a very elegant solution. Just a matter of knowing where to look!