Single line percussion notation

• Jan 19, 2018 - 23:15

I want to use a single (solitary) line as a staff to notate clapping rhythms. I do not want to use the conventional 5-line staff because it is 1) a waste of ink and 2) unnecessary.
In 2/4 time I can get quarter rests to appear, but cannot insert any quarter notes.
What do I need to do? Many thanks!


Have you read the Handbook about drum notation or watched any of the tutorial videos? Should be just a matter of doing what it says there - 5 line and 1 line work the same way. What instrument did you add? Can you attach you score and say what exactly you are trying to do?

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Thanks for responding.
I've watched several tutorials--
The basic notation one several times "in slow motion".
But I cannot change a rest into a note following exactly the methods prescribed.
I can insert notes if I use a bass clef staff, but not on the single line staff.
I was unable to find reference to "single line staff" in the handbook.

In reply to by

As I said above, single line staves don't work differently from other drum staves - the key is you have to read the section on drum notation in general. Fives lines or one, drum staves work differently from others. But it should be as simple as adding a one-line percussion instrument (eg, "hand clap"), going into note input mode, and entering notes using the drum input window that displays at the bottom opf the scfreen, or using the keyboard shortcuts that display above the notes. For the hand clap instrument, for example, just type "A" to get a note.

Again, if you continue to have trouble, be sure to read the drum section of the Handbook, and if you are still stuck, attach your score and say at exactly which step of the instructions you are having trouble.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

I have run into a bug that I cannot reproduce on demand. It is normally on large symphonic scores so uploading one would be rather useless.

This bug is: I enter a non-pitched instrument. If, in the mixer, I uncheck drumset and chose another sound I can no longer enter notes into the staff. This has always happened in single line staves (which is the only way what I'm doing makes sense). Copying and pasting works fine, but I get no drum palette and N brings up the note input cursor but notes cannot be entered.

I'm curious if this is what the OP is experiencing.

In reply to by mike320

There are definitely known bugs with the drumset checkbox in the Mixer, and probably others unknown. Changing a staff from pitched to unpitched or vice versa is inadvisable, I would say. So yes, if that's what the OP is trying to do, I'd recommend simply deleting that staff and adding a new one that is unpitched from the start - e.g., the actual "Handclap" instrument.

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