Increasing number of bars per line

• Feb 3, 2018 - 18:44

I'm making a compilation of various songs and one sticks over by one measure. Am I able to move that measure up to the previous line or am I stuck like that?


It's possible there is a line break on the previous measure, or its possible your current settings for page and staff size, measure spacing, and minimum note distance simply won't allow more music to fit. One easy thing to try is to select the bars you want to fit on a line and decrease the "stretch" factor using Layout / Decrease Stretch (shortcut "{"), perhaps several notches if necessary.

If that isn't enough to you figure it out, then if you attach your score, we can say for sure what you need to do.

In reply to by koil7

For the record, you've attached the backup file, not the actual score - you can tell by the period at the beginning and comma at the end of the file name. In theory I could download it and change the name and I could still look at it, although it wouldn't show the current state of your score - only the state the previous time it was saved. But unfortunately it seems the serve won't let me access it at all. So maybe try again with the real file.

In reply to by koil7

No worries! So, indeed, you have line breaks set every so often (the blue icons above and to the right of the last measure of the line), these are what is limiting the number of bars. Simply delete them to fit more, and add them back if desired if you do want to end a line early. See the Handbook under "Breaks and spacers" for more info.

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