Different times for different staves

• Feb 4, 2018 - 15:20

In the Guide, under "Time Signatures", under the subheading "Local time signatures" it reads: "A local time signature is set by dropping a time signature symbol while holding the Ctrl key". This doesn't work. No matter whether I hold down the ctrl key or not, dropping a time signature changes either nothing, or all the staves (I never know which).

I need to be able to have one staff not only show a certain time signature while another staff shows another, but have that time apply to it. E.g. one staff is 12/8 and a second one is 4/4, both text and reality. No change of the time signature of a staff has an effect on the real time, which remains the same for the whole measure. Is there any way this can be done or must we wait for a later version?


To drop a local time signature all of the measures affected by it must be empty. Some times pressing delete will empty a measure, sometimes it won't. You cannot paste into measures with local time signatures either, so you must manually enter the notes. Here is a how to on local time signatures (and alternatives) that might help if you already have notes in the measures. https://musescore.org/en/node/254556

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