Key Signature

• Feb 5, 2018 - 18:57

How do you add a key signature to a single note in the score eg. a sharp to the "g" note??


In reply to by Shoichi

I tried that and it adds a key signature to all the notes are in the score as default key signature. I just want to add a sharp next to the note that requires it to be sharp. eg. in the D major scale by default the notes are F Sharp And C Sharp. I want the note G to be designated as sharp. how do you do it??

In reply to by pianoplayer7068

You do not want to add a key signature to a note you want to add an accidental. There is an accidental palette several palettes below the key signatures and the note input bar is at the top of the screen, unless you turned it off. The not input tool bar has accidentals with single sharps, flats, naturals... on each button. If you select a note, you can click on one of these just once.

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