Unwanted crescendos

• Feb 6, 2018 - 13:20

Hi all,
I can't figure how to delete the crescendos in m.33. When I click on them, they aren't recognized. Thanks.
Sandy T.

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Right-click one you can select, select all similar, Ctrl+R to reset their positions. Now you can select and delete the unwanted ones (and reposition the others). Seems you had dragged those unelectablel ones too far away from their original position, off of their page.
Edit: select measure 56, hit Ctrl-R, then delete them...
There is another stray one in measure 30, it actually belongs to measure 26

Right click any crescendo you can access (like the one in measure 26) and select all similar elements. Press Ctrl+R to make all of them return to their original positions. One of them is actually a duplicate of the one in the left hand of measure 26, I can't figure out for sure where the other one came from but possibly measure 80.

These tend to move if you use the mouse to drag them around or to change their display using any of the handles while in continuous mode. It is best to edit (de)crescendos in page view. This is a know bug, but it's fix has eluded programmers. If you want a (de)crescendo to be displayed across measures, insert it so it starts being displayed across measures and adjust the beginning and end as needed using the mouse or ctrl+arrows.

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